Name: Bobby ColdHeart
Birthday: 9 Nov 92
Gender: Male
Horoscope: Scorpio
School: Singapore Polytechnic (SP)
Bukit Merah Secondary School (BMSS)
Zhangde Primary School (ZPS)
Girls' Generation
Taylor Swift
Avril Lavigne
Linking Park
Important Dates
9 Aug - National Day
9 Nov - Birthday
15 May - Sunny's Birthday
Never Forget
19 June 2010 - Elements
29 October 2011 - SummerBeat
Tablet or Wacomdel> SNSD's Cup Attend a SNSD concert New Hoodie
Learn Korean and Japanese
Travel to Korea and Japan
Armoured Core Modeling Kit
Warhammer 40k Dreadnought Modeling Kit
SNSD's Album
Korea Releases
2001 Into The New World
2007 Girls' Generation
2008 Baby Baby
2009 Gee
2009 Genie
2010 Oh!
2010 Run Devil Run
2010 Hoot
2011 Girls' Generation Live Album - The First Asia tour: Into The New World
2011 The Boys
2011 Mr Taxi
2012 Twinkle
2013 I Got A Boy
Japan Releases
2010 Genie
2010 Gee
2011 Mr Taxi
2011 Girls' Generation
2011 Girls' Generation: Re-packaged Japan 1st Album
A lot of people have been asking me.
Why I decided to name myself, Coldheart.
Well, the idea all started off from final fantasy.
There characters have cool names like Tifa Lockhart,
Vincent Valentine, Cloud Strife, etc...
So I was like how nice it would be to have a name
like this.
Well, you are wrong. Although at first I felt this
Anyway, The main reason how Coldheart came about,
is to remind myself how cold the world is. where
everyone is just out there to get you or use you.
The way people act just all felt so fake. It's like
just trying to get close to you in order fulfill
their own motives.
Therefore, Coldheart is always here to remind me
not to be good with anybody. Most people abide by the
only 1 for all, all for none rule. There's no need to give
others face. Your own survival is already hard enough.
May everyday is a Sunny day!~
Friday, December 20, 2013
New posts are coming up. Be prepared to enter my sanctuary again.
May everyday is a Sunny day!~
Friday, June 22, 2012
For soon, I will be gone as a forgotten
memory of the past.
May everyday is a Sunny day!~
SNSD Discography
Monday, June 18, 2012
It's about time i start collecting albums XD
but i have to see my count first.
those in this are the ones i have =]
Korea Releases
2001 Into The New World
2007 Girls' Generation
2008 Baby Baby
2009 Gee
2009 Genie
2010 Oh!
2010 Run Devil Run
2010 Hoot
2011 Girls' Generation Live Album - The First Asia tour: Into The New World 2011 The Boys
2011 Mr Taxi 2012 Twinkle
Japan Releases
2010 Genie 2010 Gee
2011 Mr Taxi 2011 Girls' Generation
2011 Girls' Generation: Re-packaged Japan 1st Album 2012 Paparazzi
Hehe. Its time to collect XD
May everyday is a Sunny day!~
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Words can't explain my feelings right now. The only thing that is certain now, is that I have lost the smile which i use to have.
May everyday is a Sunny day!~
Korean BBQ
Monday, March 12, 2012
WOOHOO!~ freaking long time nvr had korean BBQ feels so shiock now after eating it. cheer me up soo much.
hoho. some more Girls Generation time machine teaser out WOOHOO!~ double the shiockness. hopefully new album so i can ask my fren to help me but when they go korea =X
thats all for now. tmr still got work.
May everyday is a Sunny day!~
Render Show
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Today is the last day of the Render Show, which is like my graduation showcase.
And yet, graduation hasn't hit me. The atmosphere at my class booth was so foul and the tension was so high.
FYP has become a relief. Screw all this shits. It's the last day already.
May everyday is a Sunny day!~
Monday, March 5, 2012
Being the bad guy is always not easy. let's hope this work out well.
May everyday is a Sunny day!~
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Screw this bullshit. No one will ever give a shit about the solution u try to provide. Since u wan it tat way. So be it. Already tell u the easiest solution to do it already. Wan do ur method den go do it. I said whatever i nid already. Dun listen things screw up blame it on urself.
The Billionaire
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Firstly, I would like to thanks Wales and Mr Goh from SP School of Business for inviting me to watch "The Billionaire" which start screening on Thursday, therefore I'm the lucky few to get to watch it before it screen.
"The Billionaire" is the story of how a guy by the name of "Top" (That's what i remembered cause most people call him by that name) who found, Tao Kae Noi (Which means young entrepreneur in Thai), a grilled seaweed company. He started off selling arms which real life cash in online games, and he move on to try and sell electronics but was scam. After that he move on to F&B.
Although there are many ups and downs in his life, he is not afraid to stand up whenever he falls. And that got me thinking about a speech that Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, said during Stanford University College Graduation. You can find his speech here.
In his speech, he told the graduates three story. The first was about connecting the dots, second was about love and lost, while his third was death.
On my way back home via a long bus trip, I was reflecting on the movie, "The Billionaire" which i just watched. I suddenly remembered the speech that Steve Jobs made and realize the similarity between these two stories. Therefore, I compared them to mind.
Connecting the dots. I started out graduating from my secondary school with a life long goal to create my own game studio. Since my grades weren't that great as I was fooling around and playing during the exams period, therefore i couldn't get into the Diploma in Game design and Development.
Thurs I went into the Diploma in Digital Media instead. Although it wasn't what I wanted but I decided to stay and trust that it will all work out somehow. After studying the course for three years now, I believe it is one of the best decision I made at that age. Instead of going for low-polygon model, I learn how to create both high-polygon and low-polygon models. That's not all. I get to meet all sorts of people from various fields. If I were to stick to DGDD, I wouldn't have met artiste from the marker of 3D feature films.
Therefore, looking back now when I'm in my third year, we can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. Right now, I'm trying to push a self-funded web-series project and I strongly believe that it will work out somehow and we can make a name out of it. Again, I can't connect the dots looking forward, therefore I have to trust it in something. Be it my guts, skill, friends, anything. I believe that it will work out. I believe in this approach that's can make a difference in my life and to those around me. Always have faith in the dots with you lay or those you are going to lay.
Love and loss. Just like Steve Jobs, I found what I loved to do early in life. I started out programing my first HTML page at the age of six and I felt in love with Infocomm Technology. Being expose with many different genre of games inspired me to make my own games.
Well, I'm still considered quite young thus I don't have much loss. But if I have to point out a loss, I would say that I couldn't make it into the course which I hope to get in. But it all turn out well. I got into a course which prove to be a even better one, all thanks to the exposure.
In life, you tend to fall alot. But don't lose faith. The only thing which kept me going was that I knew what I loved and I knew what my goal was. You got to find out what you love, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you love to do. By doing what you love to do, you will create great works.
If you haven't found what you love yet, keep looking, don't settle. You will know it in your heart when you find it.
Death. I almost drowned once during my third year in secondary school. It was during a kayaking session where we have to capsize our kayak and swim out of it. My leg got stuck and I almost gave way. That's when i realize. Accident do happen and it might happen to you. Therefore, if you were to live each day as if it was your last, one day you will be correct.
Remembering that you will die someday will give you the hidden sense to hear what your heart has to tell you. As everything that create you, your pride, your anger, your everything, is nothing when you face death. leaving only those things truly important to you. "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."
Our lives are short. Which makes even more sense that we should live a life of our own and not by the expectation of others. Follow your heart. It will lead the way for you.
Before he end his speech, he wish the graduates to Stay hungry, Stay Foolish. I would like to wish the same to you. Stay hungry, Stay Foolish. The thirst for knowledge and the flare to not give up will someday bring you to greatness. Once again, Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.